Device Created To Store Digital Memory From Your Old Phone

Friday, July 9th, 2010 at 10:52 am

Are you one of those people who doesn’t like the idea of selling your old mobile to a mobile phone recycling company because of all the personal data contained on it?

The digital memory on your old phone holds a lot of private data you wouldn’t want other people to be able to get hold of such as photos, text messages and videos.  Although this data can be swiped, it still concerns some people.

Sadhbh Doherty, an Irish designer, believes he’s come up with a solution.  He’s created an ingenious device called ‘Arcque’ which can store the digital memory from your old phone.  The ‘Arcque’ is a gadget made from pulverized circuit boards which is shaped like a fashion bead.  It’s center piece is made from copper found inside the phone and comes either in gold or silver. The bead contains a Bluetooth chip from the phone, a memory chip and a kinetic motor which is powered by shaking. Digital memory from the bead can be accessed using a blue tooth enabled device.

Once the data is removed from the phone onto the bead, the phone can be sent off to be recycled.   The bead is designed so well that it can be used as a fashion accessory.  It is small and lightweight and can be used as a ring, earrings or as a shirt button.

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