Is Recycling Old Mobiles Considered When Buying the Latest Phone?

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010 at 10:25 am

The worldwide demand for new mobile phones appears to be insatiable.  Apparently there are globally now 5 billion mobile phone connections and the last 1 billion have appeared in the past 18 months. This huge increase seems set to continue so there should be ample room on the web for the new website  This is a mobile phone review site that aims to bring the information on the latest models together so that buyers can make an informed choice on their next handset purchase.  The website reviews the latest phones and provides links to enable visitors to purchase the phone of their choice.

Of course, once someone has purchased a brand new phone, what will they do with their old one?  Put it away in a drawer and eventually throw it away with the rubbish.  Hopefully not. Mobile phones disposed of irresponsibly can cause substantial environmental damage because they contain harmful substances that can pollute, air, groundwater and soil.  Dangerous chemicals and heavy metals can  potentially enter the human body and cause serious damage to vital organs.

Websites such as could contribute to greater awareness of the need for responsible moblile phone disposal by promoting mobile phone recycling.  Not only do consumers help protect the environment but they also receive cash for their old mobile, that can be used to offset the purchase of their new one.

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